“Good nutrition comes back to agriculture and the way our foods are grown. Real Medicine must start with the patient’s diet and ultimately the nutrition on the farm.” Dr Arden Andersen, schooled as both an agronomist and a medical doctor, is one of the world’s top consultants on advanced soil and crop management.
Elaine Ingham, well known leader in sustainable agriculture, said “The answer of healthy crop production lies in the fact that both biology and chemistry need to be balanced properly”
A no-till system in agriculture embraces the principles of sustainability in farming. Which means that the soil will be used as a biological system to produce healthy crops. Healthy crops contain high density nutrients which are essential for human and livestock systems. Healthy crops reduce spraying of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. Chicken manure is also spread over the soil during the planting season as a means of natural fertiliser, and when the wheat is harvested, the straw that is generated as a by-product is spread out over the land and left to gently rot back into the soil. The final agricultural product of this approach conforms to the needs of modern users.
In the Southern Cape, farmers include legume pastures; canola, oats and barley in their rotation of wheat crops. These pastures contribute to higher organic matter, which is the energy source for the micro-fauna in the soil. Complimentary to the pastures, good tillage practices like no-tilling complies with fusion for healthy nutrition of people.
We are convinced that grain products of the Southern Cape, which are cultivated in high organic soils using biological farming practices, cannot be judged using traditional parameters only, but must also be judged on their nutrient values. In order to enjoy optimal nutrition, we need to return to basics, and this includes looking at where and how the food we consume is grown.
At Eureka Mills, we are very selective about how we grow our wheat. While planting GMO wheat is illegal in South Africa, we go a step further by ensuring that our local farmers use only non-GMO wheat varieties.Further more, no Roundup or Glyphosates are sprayed onto the crops that we use to make Eureka Mills flour and annual tests are conducted to validate these statements, including the overall wheat quality.